When everything goes wrong, when unhappy things happen, something good will appear to make me feel better and give me a smile.God is always here no matter what...
Lately I was feeling something like this...

Greece is dealing an economic crisis, the most serious since the second world war.
My part time job was just for 8 months, so now I'm unemployed again.The prices are going up and up and the goverment decreased the salaries.
I often wonder how we'll bypasse the problems and continue with our life.
By the time all these were happening two beautiful gifts came from my friends Tamara and Aya.
I feel so blessed to make so good friends through blogging!
Tamara, your children are more than gifted and you're a lucky mom to have them! All these months I'm following your blog I can see that your family has strong bonds and love. That's a huge success due to the parents. Thank you so much for the CDs! I really feel honored that you send them to me!

Aya, you always know when you must make your move to make me feel happy! May be you sense it, I don't know... I keep everything in my bedroom.

I see them every morning and say "good morning Aya" and every night and say "good night Aya"!
I'm sorry girls I didn't write sooner althought I recieved them several days ago, but I was facing some computer problems.
I dedicate you both the greek song " Which sea is hidding you..."
which is sung by the greek band named KARMA.