My dear friend Maria from Austria gave me a beautiful award.
It's the "I ♥ This Blog award".

Thank you Maria for it ! I love your blog too!
So now it's my turn to give the award to my beloved ones.
And the Oskar...sorry...the I ♥ This Blog award... goes to:
Anette from
Louise from
Tamara from
Denise from
Maria from
Please give this to at least 8 or more of your favorite blogs
(if you so wish)
and link the image to the sender of this award.
It's the "I ♥ This Blog award".

Thank you Maria for it ! I love your blog too!
So now it's my turn to give the award to my beloved ones.
And the Oskar...sorry...the I ♥ This Blog award... goes to:
Anette from
Louise from
Tamara from
Denise from
Maria from
Please give this to at least 8 or more of your favorite blogs
(if you so wish)
and link the image to the sender of this award.
thanks marina - i really appreciate it. i love looking into your blog because you are greek and you write in english, which i think is a great feat
Hi Marina, that is sooooo sweet! Thanks so much. It's a little difficult for me to do much blogging right now since we are busy travelling......I'm getting much closer to you than I normally am :) In a short while I am boarding a third plane towards my final destination. I may even be flying right over top of your house soon! Wish I could stop in and have a quick cup of coffee.
Much deserved for you! Thank you so much from me! Having just caught up with my e-mail and reader, I am WAY behind on these, so it will be a while before I mention it on my blog. But thank you so, so much. You are so kind!!
Congratulations for the new award.
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