As I was cleaning the loft, I found a carton which stashed all my life as a child:

my beloved bags, the brown one was from Australia (it was a present from an aunt) and the white one was my mother's creation,

my photo albums (with a large collection of Brook Shields' and Kris Atkins' photos but also Charlies' Angels'),

diaries from primary school and high school,

all the pictures that I had drawn (so many of them...),

and the handkerchieves I used to take with me at school, the collars of my school costume and the plushed ribbons that I used to wear at my neck when I was singing with the chorus of my school.

So many happy memories just in a small box...
Years of innocence and purity!
Years of innocence and purity!
Great posting, Marina!
Excellent post!!!!!
Lovely memories! Is the bag from Australia made from kangaroo skin? It looks like it.
That is a lovely story Marina, thanks.
Good heavens! You can get all your memories in one box? I need to do some sorting! LOL!
Nice post!
Hello marina!
if you know something, tell me.
when I came your blog, computer virus tried to install to my computer. it's the second time.
few weeks ago the same thing happens.
I know you're not wrong, but are you coming up something?
How wonderful to have so many memories!
How wonderful that you have a box of Memories.
I wish now that I had kept some of my Memories in a box, but alas, they are only in my head and my heart.
Bear((( )))
That's great!
I bet you relived all your youth when you opened that box! What a wonderful day you must have had. :D
Oh wow! That is a lovely box of Memories ! I love it! Thanks for sharing it with us.
A great post about memories! I haven't saved that much stuff from my school days!
I can't believe the order you have in your memory boxes!! very sweet post!
this is an amazing story - i don't think i've kept enough of those memories myself!
Happy childhood memories in a box...
Lovely!I have not saved so much stuff but I bought some books I love later on again!
Happy weekend!
How fun to find that. And are you not so happy you saved those things!
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