Who likes the sound of the clock when it rings every morning before the sun rises?I definitely don't!!! But what can I do?At 7.00am my hubby leaves for his job. He's very lucky because he needs only ten minutes to get there! Then we, the girls, get ready for the schools.
At 8 o'clock I drive them to their schools: first my youngest and my nieces to the primary school
and then my oldest daughter to the high school.
From that moment and for the next six hours I'm alone and try to do everything, from housecleaning to pay bills.
At 8.15 I'm at the supermarket and buy whatI need for lunch etc.
or at the fishing market if I'm going to cook fish.
At 8.45 I buy hot bread from the bakery and sometimes fresh donuts. They make them mmm...yummy!
Now I'm ready to cook! As long as the food is cooked I do everything in the house: ironing, dusting, smooth the sheets on the beds, etc.Fortunately I don't have to do external works everyday.
TodayI had to go to the post office which is room-mated with the City Hall.
Sometimes - mainly when I have cooked food from the previous day - I skip all these and go to my friend Poly's house for a hot coffee, gossip and company! Or we go to a coffee shop and drink there our coffee, seeing the view of the sea.
We, housewives, have our strokes of fortune!
At 1.15 my youngest finishes school and at 2.00 my oldest one finishes too!
What happens later will be the issue of "My world Tuesday" next week! And believe me, my friends, it doesn't look like what happens in your countries when children are back from their schools! If I excited your curiosity read my post next week!
No, we aren't an forlorn island!
You don't see a lot of people in these photos because I took them on Sunday afternoon when most of the people relax after their lunch or just...sleep!
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